
My House | Take Your Server To The Next Level [works With Townhall] cover image

My House | Take Your Server To The Next Level [works With Townhall] - 1.0.0



pve  cupboard  doorbell 

Allows players to name, find, and remove Tool Cupboards with map markers, manage doorbells, and use mailboxes

My House | Take Your Server To The Next Level [works With Townhall] in LoneDesign

MyHouse cover image

MyHouse - 1.0.0



pve  cupboard  doorbell 

Allows players to name, find, and remove Tool Cupboards with map markers, manage doorbells, and use mailboxes

MyHouse in LoneDesign MyHouse in Codefling

Cupboard Switcher cover image

Cupboard Switcher - 1.0.0



cupboard  shockbyte  tool cupboard 

CupboardSwitcher allows players to switch the skin to the new Cupboard Skins

Cupboard Switcher in LoneDesign Cupboard Switcher in Codefling

Tool Cupboard Box + Workbench! cover image

Tool Cupboard Box + Workbench! - 1.0.0



qol  tool cupboard 

Automatically spawns a small box when placing a Tool Cupboard and a Workbench with a few added benefits and options! A small feature to any modded server that packs a good benefit to your players!

Tool Cupboard Box + Workbench! in LoneDesign

Tool Cupboard Box cover image

Tool Cupboard Box - 1.0.0



qol  tool cupboard 

Automatically spawns a small box when placing a Tool Cupboard with a few added benefits and options! A small feature to any modded server that packs a good benefit to your players!

Tool Cupboard Box in LoneDesign

Allow Explosives In Tool Cupboard (Again) cover image

Allow Explosives In Tool Cupboard (Again) - 1.1.2



tool cupboard  explosives  sulfur 

A simple plugin that reverts the recent update on blocking Sulfur, Sulfur Ore, Diesel Fuel, Gun Powder, Targeting Computers, and Explosives

Allow Explosives In Tool Cupboard (Again) in Codefling

TC Levels cover image

TC Levels - 1.3.2



building  hud  tclevels 

TCLevels is a plugin that will make your server more fun and have more things to do!

TC Levels in LoneDesign TC Levels in Codefling